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Contoh Percakapan Guest Handling

Contoh Percakapan Guest Handling

contoh percakapan handling guest

1. contoh percakapan handling guest

Kategori soal: Bhs Inggris
Kelas: SMA

Receptionist: Hello, Mr.Bastos, how may I help you?
Mr.Bastos: Yes, I'm afraid there's something you need to deal with my room.
Receptionist: Certainly, Sir, what can we do for your room?
Mr.Bastos: The Wi-Fi connection doesn't seem to work and I can't turn on the TV, miss.
Receptionist: Alright, we'll have our technician to check it out.
Mr.Bastos: Thank you, but there's something else I'm afraid......
Receptionist: OK, what is it, Sir?
Mr.Bastos: I think I smell something bad under my bed. I've already checked it but there's nothing there.
Receptionist: Hmm, what kind of smell, Sir, if I may know?
Mr.Bastos: It's like something stale or worse......kinda like a dead body smell or something.
Receptionist: Oh, OK, we'll check it right away, Sir. My apology for the inconvenience.
Mr.Bastos: Thank you.

2. Contoh percakapan guest handling 4 orang di kantor

At The Office Lina And Yeni,Talking With Guest Want To Work In They Office Work.
Lina=Mm...Mister Can You Seat In This Chair!?
Mr.Franco=Yeah,Sure.Who Is Your Boss Name!?
Lina=We're Boss Name Is Lena And Tedi.What You Want Talk To We're
Mr.Marco=We Are Want Take Some Job In This Office.
Yeni=We Need 2 Cleaning Servis,And 2 Employee.
Mr.Franco=I Want Be Employee.
Yeni=Ok.What You Mr.Marco!?
Mr.Marco=Mmm...I Want Be Employee In This Office.
Lina=Ok,So Now Pls Go To That's Room,Pls!
Mr.Franco=To What We Go To That's Room!?
Yeni=To Talking To We're Boss.To Are You Accepted Work In This Offie Work Or Not!?
Mr.Marco=Ok,Where The Room
Lina=If You Dont Know The Room.Freddy Will Show You Where The Room!
Freddy=Pls Follow Mw Mr.Franco And Mr.Marco.
Mr.Franco And Mr.Marco=Ok.What Is Your Job In This Office!?Mr.Fred?
Freddy=I'm An Employee In This Office.I Am Favorite Employee In This Office.
Mr.Franco=Wow,Oh Yeah!What Is Theyre Job In This Office
Freddy=You Mean Lina And Yeni!?They're Favorite Waiter In This Office They Saleries In This Office Is One Million Five Hundred Thousand.
Mr.Marco=What!?One Million!?
Freddy=Yeah My Saleries Is Like They're!
Mr.Franco=Wow.Oh Thats The Room.
Mrs.Lena=Who Is That!?
Freddy=Me Ms.Lena Some Guest Want To Job In This Office By An Employee Mr.Tedi And Mrs.Lena!
Mr.Tedi And Mrs.Lena=Come In!Oh You Two.Mr.Franco And Mr.Marco
Mr.Franco And Mr.Marco=Good Morning Mrs.Lena And Mr.Tedi!We Accepted Work In This Office!?
Mrs.Lena=Hmmm...Let Me See.What The Answer Mr.Tedi!?
Mr.Tedi=I'm Accepted You Are Work In This Office.Congrats You Are Work In This Office Starting Tomorrow.
Freddy=I'm Qut This Room.Thanks Mrs.Lena And Mr.Tedi!
Mrs.Lena=Yeah,Thanks You To Fred.
Mr.Tedi=Ok Finish.Starting Tomorrow You Will Be An New Employee in This Office.
Mr.Franco And Mr.Marco=Thanks Ma'am.We Qut Now.
And They're So Happy Can Work In That's Office Starting Tomorrow.And After That's They're Go Home And Sleep To Work Tomorrow.

3. Contoh percakapan guest handling 4 orang di kantor

Pelayan: Ini menu di restoran kami. Anda mau pesan apa?

Doni: Kita memesan makanan sekarang atau setelah Hanif datang?

Tania: Saya pikir lebih baik kita menunggu Hanif.

Ryan: Saya setuju dengan Tania, lebih baik kita menunggu Hanif.

Doni: Baiklah. Pak, kita menunggu seorang teman terlebih dahulu.

Pelayan: Baiklah. Anda bisa memanggil saya jika ingin memesan makanan.

10 menit kemudian..

Doni: Itu Hanif. Hi, Hanif..

Hanif: Hi, Doni. Apa kabarmu?

Doni: Aku baik-baik saja.

Hanif: Bagaimana dengan kalian (Tania, Ryan)?

Tania, Ryan: Kami baik.

Hanif: Syukurlah. Maaf sudah membuat kalian menunggu.

Ryan: Tidak masalah. Don, bisa kamu panggil Pelayan.

Doni: Baiklah. Kita tulis saja apa yang ingin kita pesan. Aku memesan steak ayam dan jus jeruk.

Tania: Aku pesan cumi bakar dan es teh.

Doni: Bagaimana denganmu Ryan, Hanif?

Hanif: Aku pesan ayam bakar dan jus melon. Dan kau, Ryan?

Ryan: Oh maaf, aku pesan beef steak dan lemon tea.

Doni: Baiklah. Aku akan mengantarkan menu ini ke Pelayan.

15 menit kemudian…

Doni: Makanan kita sudah datang. Ayo kita makan.

Ryan: Ayo, wah ini terlihat enak.

Tania: Ya, aku pikir juga begitu. Baunya sangat harum.

Hanif: Ayo teman-teman. Jangan terlalu banyak berkomentar. Ayo segera kita makan.

4. Handling guest restaurant

1.Be patient
2.Be courteous
3.Listen attentively
4.Don't contradict
5.Apologize and ask for a solution
7.Give up

5. Tolong buatin percakapan "guest handling" yang bagus.

Iqbal           : Good morning, TKJ Hotel…. May I help you?
Danu           : Morning..  We  want to book a room please..
Iqbal           : Certainly, when for sir?
Danu           : Sept the 23rd, we will stay for three night’s
Fajar           : Yes, three night… And double with bath
Iqbal           : Certainly sir. I will just check what we have available…          Yes, we have available sir.
Fajar           : Fine, how much is the charge per night?
Iqbal           : Ok sir, it’s Rp.200.000 per night
Fajar           : That’s fine.
Iqbal           : Who’s the booking for, please?
Danu           : Danu Riswanto, And my young brother Fajar Aditya
Iqbal           : Ok, could I have your identity card?
Danu           : This is my identity card
Fajar           : And this is my identity card
Iqbal           : Let our  bell boy  show you to your room. Amron, can you show their room please.. this is their key room
Amron         : Morning sir, I will show you to your room.. (Then, bill boy bring luggage of guest)
Fajar           : Thank you
Danu           : Thank you
Amron         : ok sir, we have arrive in your room
Fajar           : wah, this room is so big..
Danu           : Yes right.. And so luxurious
Amron         : I am sure, you will enjoy your stay here
Fajar           : This is your tip sir..
Amron         : Thank you, have a nice stay with us

6. contoh handling guest or costumer

A: Morning, Sir. Welcome to Robin's Hotel.
B: Morning too, thank you
A: Is there anything I could help?
B: Yes, I would like to book a room for today please
A: What kind of room would you like, sir?
B: Deluxe one, please
A: Alright, sir. Is there anything else you need?
B: No that's all, thank you.
A: You're welcome sir, enjoy your stay!

7. berikan contoh guest handling di mall/shop

"welcome to *peep* shop!"
"what would you like to buy?"
"can I help you?"
"this one looks perfect on you!"
"thanks for buy in this shop!"

8. Contoh soal guest handling

Contoh soal dan pembahasan
Chandra               : Hello, It’s Chandra. Can I help you? Bams                     : Can I talk to Mr. Budi? Chandra               : Sure, _______ a     a.  He is in a meeting now                                                 c.  Just a moment, please b     b.  Any message?                                                              d. Call him later Jawaban : c Pembahasan : Respon dari Chandra terhadap Bams, menunjukkan respon yang positif sehingga, jawabannya adalah c.
Customer Service            : Customer service, This is, Linda speaking, Can I help you? Arda                                 : I am Arda, I want to activate online banking on my phone. Customer Service            : _________ Arda                                      : Sure, 088865742345
a     a.  Can I have your number?                                             c. Where is your phone? b     b.  What is your number?                                                 d. How much is your number? Jawaban : a Pembahasan : Pada dialog diatas antara Customer service dengan Arda, respon Arda adalah menyebutkan nomor, maka jawaban yang paling tepat adalah a.

9. contoh handling guest in a hotel

Bellboy: Excuse me, are you Miss Rina?
Rina: Yes, I am
Bellboy: I suppose you had checked in to our hotel?
Rina: Yes
Bellboy: May I carry your bags, miss? Your room is on the 3rd floor. Room 345.
Rina: Thank you

10. Tolong buatin percakapan "guest handling" yang bagus. Please...:)

Fahru (Waiter)
Leo (Costumer)

Fahru           : Good morning sir, welcome to our restaurant
Jetli           : Morning, we would like to breakfast
Fahru           : That would be our pleasure to srve you. Where would you like to sit sir?
 Leo            : How abaot that table?
Aldo         : Yes, the table number one
Jetli           : Yes, right
Fahru           : This is our list food, and what your order?
Jetli           : hamburger please and coffee
Leo           : I will have cak kangkung and Tea
Aldo         : I would chiken rice and coffee
Fahru           : Ok, wait a minute…        (Then waiter bring their foods)
Fahru           : This your order hamburger, cak kangkung, and chiken rice… And this is your drink’s, two coffee and tea
Jetli           : Ok thank you        (Then, the costumer have finish)
Leo           : Waiter-waiter? I want to pay
Fahru           : Ok, and this is your bill
Aldo         : I can’t pay with cash so I want to pay with my credit card
Fahru       : All right sir, I will imprint your credit card…        (Then, the waiter have finish)        Thank you sir
Aldo         : Your’e welcome…
Jetli           : And this is your tip..
Fahru           : Thank you sir for eating in our restaurant… I hope you come again..

11. Definisi handling guest

just be yourself and respect with your guest.

12. Contoh dialog guest handling in office

Soal:Contoh dialog guest handling in office

Guest handling in office:Penanganan tamu di kantor

So,sorry if wrong

Niana: Sir, there is a guest from outside the pack
Atlas: Yeah, wait a minute
Niana: Hurry up, she insisted on seeing you
Atlas: Got it, 5 minutes more, Niana ..
Niana: 5 minutes it's like 5 hours for you sir
Atlas: All right
Guest: Sir, I want to sign up for a pack job
Atlas: okay, where's your diploma?
Guest: It's pack

Do not really know
Sorry if it's wrong

13. contoh guest handling on a restaurant

harusnya in, bukan on.

im sorry mr/mrs, can i help you? this is a menu.

14. Maksud dari percakapan handling guest

percakapan handling guest adalah percakapan dengan tamu.. maaf kalo salah

15. buatlah percakapan handling guest?dihotel,guest dan receptionist,tolong jawab secepatnya

Handling reservation
David:Excuse me. I think there is a mistake in our bill.We didn't have dinner here last night.
Receptionis: I'm sorry,sir.Here's the bill from the hotel restaurant.It's got your signature on it.
David: But that's not my signature.I'd like to speak to the manager.
Receptionis: I'm sorry sir, the manager is busy.
Manager:you have a complaint about your bill,sir?
David:Yes.I'm afraid there's mistake we didn't have dinner in the restaurant last night.
Manager:But this looks your signature on the restaurant bill let me see. Oh dear I'm very sorry.There's another couple called morris in the hotel.They had dinner last night.Not you.I di apologize.

maaf kalau salah

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